Craft Meetup by Lufthansa Systems Hungária

🚀Join CraftHub FREE Craft software meetup in partnership with Lufthansa Systems Hungária! You can attend a free software meetup – connect with like-minded professionals, exchange ideas, and get a taste of the engaging community that defines Craft! Gábor Pécsy, Chief Architecture Owner at Lufthansa Systems Hungária, will discuss scaling software for airline operations. Then, Daniel Moka, Software Craftsman at Moka IT, will explain Mutation Testing and demonstrate how to use it through a live coding session.

29 January 2025

Gábor Pécsy, the Chief Architecture Owner at Lufthansa Systems Hungária, will discuss scaling software for airline operations. Then, Daniel Moka, Software Craftsman at Moka IT, will explain Mutation Testing and demonstrate how to use it through a live coding session.
Join them, and discover the opportunities of crafting better software through innovative techniques, insightful strategies, and hands-on experiences.
Follow this link for registration and further information: